Urban Sadhu Teacher Training Programs
A Yoga Teacher Training Like No Other
Across the US and Europe most yoga teacher trainings set a low bar with watered down “yoga lite” trainings that encourage students to sign up because they “love yoga.” In fact, the bar for a yoga teacher should be set high: the person signing up for a yoga teacher training should have a burning desire to be of service to others. Urban Sadhu Yoga’s Teacher Trainings communicate and teach a deep understanding of the ancient wisdom of yoga and then show how to apply it in a modern context.
The Urban Sadhu Yoga Teacher Training asks the prospective yoga teacher if they are willing and ready to make a change in their lives, so they can make a positive difference in the world around them. Positive change starts with the willingness to change our own unconscious habitual habits that are no longer servicing us and make it impossible to be in the service of others. The Urban Sadhu Yoga Teacher Training offers inspiration and knowledge that can transform you and the world around you, from the inside out.
The Urban Sadhu Yoga Method and teacher trainings will offer you the skills to teach from a skilled, authentic, compassionate, confident seat. Our yoga teacher training will integrate a deep holistic healing system into your personal yoga practice, while giving you the tools to share those teachings with others.
Urban Sadhu Yoga
300 Hr Certificaition
The 300-hour Urban Sadhu Yoga Teacher Training is a full, comprehensive integrated yoga system that values the ancient authentic teachings of the yoga tradition, its diversity, and its holistic and naturalistic approach to life and spirituality but is taught in the framework of a contemporary, scientific point of view.
Urban Sadhu Yoga 500 Hr Apprenticeship Program
The Urban Sadhu Yoga™ Mentorship Program (“USYMP” or “Urban Sadhu Yoga Mentorship”) is a one-on-one mentorship-based curriculum facilitated by an Advanced Urban Sadhu Yoga™ Master Teacher. When combined with the 300-hour Urban Sadhu Yoga™ Teacher Training Certification Course, this program offers 800 hours of certified training.